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Version: 3.0

Common Errors Found When Viewing Asset Details

You can browse various assets here, and this guide provides an overview of issues and practical solutions to help you navigate.

Insufficient funds

The error occurs when purchasing a data asset or algorithm on the marketplace and your connected wallet does not have sufficient funds to complete the transaction.

Message: "Insufficient funds. You do not have sufficient USDC in your Wallet to purchase this Asset."

How can this be resolved?

  • Top up your Wallet with more USDC or your used currency to complete the purchase.
  • Alternatively, switch to another wallet with enough funds.

No access to consume assets

This error occurs when you try to purchase an asset on the marketplace but your account doesn't have a consumer role tied to it.

Message: "Unfortunately, you do not have access to this page."

How can this be resolved? To request the Consumer role, please reach out to your Group Admin or contact our Customer Success Team.

Asset temporarily disabled by data provider

This error occurs when you're purchasing a data asset on the marketplace and the Data Provider has disabled the data asset.

Message: "Unfortunately, this Asset has been temporarily disabled by the Data Provider. Please try again later."

How can this be resolved?

  • Contact the Data Provider to enable the asset for purchase.
  • Please wait until the Data Provider updates the asset to be purchasable again.

No permission to purchase a specific asset

This error occurs when you're purchasing a particular data asset on the marketplace and the data provider has restricted the access of this dataset to specific criteria.

Message: "Unfortunately, you do not have permission to purchase this Dataset. Please browse for other available assets."

How can this be resolved? The control on who can purchase a Data Asset relies on the Data Provider.

  • Contact the Data Provider to inquire about the asset.
  • Browse the marketplace for other available assets to purchase.

Dataset/Algorithm offline

This error usually occurs when you encounter a transaction failure when trying to purchase an offline asset. The asset may be under maintenance.

Message: "Unfortunately, this asset is unavailable for purchase at the moment. Please try again later."

How can this be resolved? Wait until the asset has been updated and is online again before purchasing.

Possible formatting issues with markdown

There may be possible formatting issues with markdown in the Description / Additional Details field of the Data Asset.

How can this be resolved? Markdown is supported for this field - but only the Daring Fireball version.

Compatible algorithm updated by provider

This error happens when you're trying to order a compute job, but are unable to because the Compatible Algorithm(s) previously selected for your Dataset has been updated by the data provider.

For more information, visit Compatible Algorithm Updated by Provider.

Asset delisted

This error will display when you're trying to find an asset that you have purchased or want to view. The asset you're looking for may have been delisted from the marketplace.

For more information, visit Asset Delisted.

Submit contact provider failure

This error occurs when you try to contact the provider of an asset and the message fails to send.

How can this be resolved? Retry to contact or contact support.

Unable to select algorithm for compute job

This error occurs when you try to select an algorithm for a compute job.

How can this be resolved? Check the algorithm selection and ensure compatibility with the compute job.

Price does not get loaded

This error is reflected under an asset in the pricing card when the asset details are unable to be retrieved. The edge node used may be in the wrong environment.

How can this be resolved?

  • Refresh the page to see if the error persists.
  • If it does, verify that the selected edge node for the asset is appropriate for the environment in use.

File type and size undefined

As a Provider, the message appears while linking a data asset endpoint in the publishing flow or when you view your Asset Details page, under the data type or size after publish.

As a Consumer, the message appears on the Asset Details page, under the data type or size.

Message: "File Type and Size: Undefined."

How can this be resolved? As a Provider, hosting the data assets in storage solutions such as AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage is recommended.